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A Revoluzion simple token is a type of digital asset that represents a unit of value and can be transferred and stored on a blockchain. Revoluzion simple tokens are often used as a medium of exchange, a store of value, or as a way to represent ownership or access to a particular asset or service. They are called "simple" because they have a limited set of features and functionality compared to more complex tokens.
To create a Revoluzion simple token, you would need to deploy it via Revoluzion dApp under token creation and set the properties of the token, such as its name, symbol, and total supply. Once the Revoluzion simple token is deployed to the blockchain, it can be traded and used like any other digital asset.
All Revoluzion tokens created through the Revoluzion token creation dApp will automatically receive an audit badge from our tracker when they create a presale. These tokens can be deployed on any blockchain that is available for deployment in the Revoluzion token creation dApp tab.
The Revoluzion simple token also includes a free audit report and anti-bot feature.
Binance Smart Chain (Mainnet) - This means you are deploying the token on the live mainnet.
Binance Smart Chain (Testnet) - This means you are deploying the token on the Testnet.
Simple Token - You can select any tokens you wish to deploy from the list
You can input any token name you desire, do note that to do your research on a name as you can never change it once live on mainnet.
The token name is usually set at the time of its creation and cannot be changed afterwards.
Disclaimer: Please note that Revoluzion reserves the right to remove any token from its launchpad platform if the token's name is in violation of our naming policy.
Token symbol, also known as a ticker symbol, is a unique abbreviation or code used to identify a specific cryptocurrency or digital asset.
The token symbol / ticker is usually set at the time of its creation and cannot be changed afterwards.
Token decimals refer to the number of decimal places used to represent a specific token or cryptocurrency.
In most cases, token decimals are set to a value of 18, which allows for a large number of decimal places and enables the token to be divided into very small fractions, just like BNB and Ethereum.
For example, a token with 18 decimals could be divided into as small a fraction as 0.000000000000000001 of a unit, while a token with 3 decimals could only be divided into fractions of 0.001 of a unit.
If unsure, best is to always select 18 decimals as that is the default decimal point.
The token decimal is usually set at the time of its creation and cannot be changed afterwards.
The total supply of a token refers to the maximum number of units of the token that will ever be created. It is an important aspect of a token's design and can have significant implications for the token's value and utility.
The total supply of a token is usually set at the time of its creation and cannot be changed afterwards.
The total supply of a token can have a direct impact on its value, as the larger the total supply, the less scarce the token will be and the lower its value may be.